staff get student

Join the UNITAR Staff-Get-Student Programme

Refer New Students and Earn Attractive Rewards!

Designed exclusively for UNITAR non-sales staff, this referral programme rewards you for helping students discover their future at UNITAR Education Group. Whether online or conventional study modes, your referrals can earn you significant rewards.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to earn rewards while helping others start their journey with UNITAR. Submit your referrals today!

How it works?

Earn rewards in just a few simple steps:

  • Identify Potential Students: Know someone who would benefit from studying at UNITAR? Identify friends, family, or acquaintances interested in furthering their education.
  • Submit Your Referral by filling out the form with the details of your referral.
  • Earn Rewards: For each successful enrolment, you’ll receive a cash reward based on the number of students you refer.

Attractive REWARDS Await!

The more students you refer, the more you earn!

Study ModeReward Per Enrolment
1-2 Students3-5 Students> 5 Students

Submit Your Referral TODAY!

Ready to refer a student? Fill out the form below.

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Terms & Conditions

  1. The Staff-Get-Student (SGS) programme is eligible for UNITAR Current Non-Sales Staff to participate (Main Campus, Colleges, Regional Centres), excluding UNITAR Partner Regional Centre Staffs.
    1. UNITAR Sales Related Staff (Staffs under Sales, Marketing, Business Development, Partner School Engagement, Digital Education Counsellor) is not eligible for this programme.
  2. Eligible for both Malaysian and International students.
  3. The Staff-Get-Student Programme is valid and applicable to referrers and referees who meet the following criteria:
    1. The referee must be UNITAR Current Non-Sales Related Staffs (Main Campus / Colleges / Regional Centres)
    2. This programme is not applicable to UNITAR Sales Staffs across Malaysia, Human Resource Personnel within UNITAR, Education Recruitment Agents.
    3. For those that refer their family into UNITAR, they can choose from either to take up the Student Referral Programme OR Family Loyalty Award OR Staff Discount. They are only entitled to one out of these 3 choices.
    4. The referee must have been notified and consented to having their details, personal data and information being shared with UNITAR for this Program.
    5. Each individual referee can only be referred to UNITAR once. In the event, that a referee has been referred to UNITAR more than once, only the first person to refer the referee to UNITAR will be eligible for the referral reward under this Program.
    6. The referrer will only be eligible to receive the referral reward if the referee successfully enrolled with UNITAR International University & Colleges / Regional Centres.
  4. All payments of the referral reward payable to the referrer upon confirmation of successful enrolment shall be settled by UNITAR within thirty (30) working days from the last official date of the First Semester provided that the Student remains in the Programme and has no outstanding payments to UNITAR for the First Semester as verified by the Student Finance Department.

  5. SGS form should be submitted prior to student registration and shall not be later than the late enrollment period of the intake. Any late submission will not be entertained.
  6. Referrer shall not have any authority whatsoever, whether express or otherwise, to make any offer of a place to any potential student(s) or to suggest to the potential student(s) that UNITAR will offer a place to the student(s).
  7. For avoidance of doubt, the referrer shall have no authority whatsoever to enter into any agreement or promises which may bind UNITAR. UNITAR is under no obligation to make any offer to new student(s) referred by referrer and shall be entitled to the right to reject any or all the application(s) submitted.
  8. UNITAR reserves the right to remove or make amendments to the SGS campaign in future without prior notice.
  9. UNITAR International University & Colleges / Regional Centres (UNITAR) alumni and UNITAR staff are not considered as potential new students. They shall not be recruited by any SGS applicant in any circumstances.
  10. UNITAR reserves the right to suspend with immediate effect the payment/participation if:
    1. The Referrer is found to commit any form of misrepresentation in the submission of the new student application(s).
    2. There is an element of fraud, wrongdoing or false information provided by Referrer and/or the new student.
    3. The Referrer is found to be soliciting for prospective student(s) during Exhibitions / Events participated or undertaken by UNITAR.
  11. The UNITAR reserves the right to withhold Payment if the newly registered student withdraws from the Programme at any time during the First Semester.

  12. UNITAR reserves the right to contact the newly registered student directly to confirm details submitted in the Application Form.

  13. Referring to Item (8), if upon further investigation the cause of late submission is found due to the fault of the Education Counsellor who is in charge of the referred student, UNITAR reserves the right to hold the education counsellor accountable to compensate accordingly if the SGS form and required documents was not submitted by Education Counsellor.

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