- Professional Development
- Continuous Learning Opportunities
- Flexible LearningÂ

UNITAR International Academy is honoured to be recognised as the Best TVET Training Provider (Upskilling, Reskilling & Cross-Skilling) at the prestigious Malaysia Education & TVET Awards 2023 in conjunction with ASEAN HR Excellence Awards 2023.
This recognition, presented by Yang Berhormat Tuan Mustapha Bin Sakmud, Deputy Minister of Human Resources Malaysia, is a testament to UNITAR’s commitment to enhancing skills and knowledge. It is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to upskilling, reskilling and cross-skilling, elevating UNITAR to new heights of educational excellence.
Accessible for management and technical skills.
Future-proofing students through Upskilling, Reskilling and Cross-skilling.
Solving day-to-day business challenges by developing human capital and building brands.
Subjecting specific areas that serve organisations from numerous industries.
UNITAR has built a strong presence in over 11 locations around Malaysia.
All our programmes follow a ‘virtual learning’ approach comprising 3 components: Face-to-Face, Online and Customised Learning Environment.
Our training solutions are developed by subject matter experts to help organisations and individuals improve their competencies and core skills – reaching core enablers of sustainable business development and providing competitive advaniage
Awarded 5-STAR QS Rating (Quality Assured)
Putra Brand Awards (The People’s Choice)
Recognised as Premier Insfitution by ASIC
Talentbank: Employers’ Preferred University
With over 20 years of outstanding experience in the Industry, we have established partnerships with over 200 Government Agencies and Corporate Organisations.
Michelle Shalani Ramalah, completed Master’s Degree in Communication and Political Science
Michelle Shalani (36 years old) is one of our most active and dedicated AWS participants to date. She first left her job at Liberty Insurance to accommodate personal challenges because of the pandemic. Since leaving, she was Unemployed for almost a year, but that did not derail her spirits to continuously apply for jobs elsewhere. While job-hunting, Michelle decided to utilise her time to reskill and upskill herself. This is when she discovered UNITAR’s AWS re/Start programme via an Instagram advertisement. She immediately enrolled to join the programme with limited knowledge of IT at the time. Coming with little to no knowledge at all in the field of Information Technology, she was still able to successfully excel in the Cloud Practitioner exam. Michelle successfully completed the programme on 28 June 2022 and upon graduation, she secured a job at Imperium International College under Edumaax Group, MAA, as Head of Communications & Marketing.
Aslina binti Mat Asli, IT Officer in HQ Polis Diraja Malaysia Bukit Aman
Aslina binti Mat Aslis is an IT Officer at the Polis Diraja Malaysia Headquarters in Bukit Aman. She found the JPA course well-structured with labs and activities which was helpful and easier for her to understand and be equipped with skills and knowledge of the digital era. Additionally, completing the modules in this programme helped enhance and broaden her modern knowledge in the field of technology. The JPA course also helped to develop her skills as an IT officer at the organisation. She added that the staff at UNITAR were kind, pleasant, and always ready to assist her when she needed guidance, making this course a successful initiative.
Nik Mohamed Moriz, 31, Selangor, Student, completed UNITAR Ilfizam Apprentice Programme
In my opinion, the programme was a big success. Offering relevant job-hunting guides and tips, I am now extremely prepared and confident when faced with any interviews as compared to before I attended the programme. On top of this, I managed to secure a job of my aspirations since the start of this programme. Thanks to all the knowledge and tips I gained from all the trainers, I am now ready to apply all this valuable information in my future career advancement journey.
With UNITAR’s cutting-edge facilities, I am confident that it will offer me rewarding opportunities in my future job hunt. Based on my previous working experiences, dealing with certain colleagues may be quite challenging, Now with the knowledge and tips I have gained, I believe I will be able to handle any situation professionally
Area of Study
Level of Study
Study Mode
Financial Aid for our academy programmes are split into two options:
The PTPK loan allows Malaysian Citizens to fund their micro-credentials at UNITAR through a loan. As part of this there are two parties, the first is the person applying for the funding, the borrower, and the person who stands as the guarantor for the loan.
This option allows for you to get funded from your HRDF contributions. You apply for this funding through your employer. Our team of advisors can assist you with next steps.
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