Dr. Fatimah Pa’Wan

Dr. Fatimah Pa’wan is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Business and Technology, Unitar International University. She graduated with a Diploma in Personnel Management, KUSZA (currently named as Universiti Darul Iman Malaysia (UDIM), Bach. of International Business Management (Hons) from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Master of Science in Information Management from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), and PhD in Management from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). She is a qualified and experienced academician in the field of management having served in higher education institutions for not less than twenty-one years, the first seven of which was as an administrator.

Dr. Fatimah has been teaching students in local private and public universities, plus a one-year stint overseas in an Omani Public university. During her career, Dr. Fatimah obtains a wealth of experience and skills in, among others, teaching, research, student supervision and academic advising. Her research interest is in an area of Management especially Human Resources Management. This is proven by her published writings in refereed and indexed journals and presentation of research findings in local and international conferences.

Bac. of International Business Management (Hons), UUM, MScs. Information Management, UiTM, Ph.D. (Management), UTM.

Specialization: Management: Human Resource

E-mail: fatimah.pt@unitar.my

1. Ilias Said, Muhammad Fikri Hasmori and Fatimah Pa’wan (2020). Determinants of Shopping Malls Attractiveness. Hamdard Islamicus. Vol. 43 (1) (Scopus).

2. Fatimah Pa’wan and Ilias Said (2020). Strengthening Talent Management in Enhancing Organizational Commitment. Revisita Argentina de Clinica Psicologica, Vol. 29(4), 67-79. Journal ndexed in ‘Journal Citation Reports’, Impact Factor (2019): 0.508 (Position 32/63 in ‘’Psychology”,Q4).

3. Fatimah Pa’wan, Rosmini Omar, Farzana Quoquab and Jihad Mohammad (2018). The Influence of Organizational Commitment in Climate for Innovation and Employee Retention Relationship: An Empirical Study in Higher Education Institutions. The Journal of Social Sciences Research ISSN(e): 2411-9458, ISSN(p): 2413-6670 Special Issue. 2, pp: 281-294.

4. Fatimah Pa’wan and Rosmini Omar (2018). Effects of Innovative Organizational Climate on Organizational Commitment: An Empirical Study in Higher Education Institutions, Malaysian Online Journal of Education Management (MOJEM). Vol. 6, No. 2, 1-21 (Scopus)

5. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Rammilah Hansaram, (2015).”Employers’ experience in managing high potential employees in Malaysia”, Journal of Management Development, Vol. 34 Issue: 2, pp.187-201.

6. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan and Ram Milah @Simranpreet Kaur Hansaram (2013). HR Practices and Turnover Intention: The Mediating Roles of Organizational Commitment and Organizational Engagement in a Selected Region in Malaysia, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 24, Issue 15.

7. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Ram Milah @Simranpreet Kaur Hansaram (2012) Examining Characteristics of High Potential Employees from Employees’ Perspective, The International Journal of Arts & Sciences.

8. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Hanifah Mokhsin and Noor Akmar Othman (2010). Factors Influencing Internal and External Employability of Employees, Business and Economics Journal, Vol. 2010, BEJ-11.

9. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Noor Akmar Othman and Hanifah Moksin (2010). The Relationship between T&D Supports and Employability among Employees in Klang Valley,Malaysia, UNITAR E-Journal Vol. 6, No. 2.

10. Nazatulshima Abdul Rani, Fatimah Pa’wan, Normaziah Che Musa and Misyer Mohamed Tajudin. Malaysian Employees’ Preference of Their Managers Leadership Styles, International Review of Business Research Papers. Vol. 4, No. 5, October-November, 2008. Pp. 97-108.

11. Syed Omar Syed Agil, Djasriza Jasin and Fatimah Pa`wan. Nine Islamic Management Practices and Habits in Islamic History: Lessons for Managers, UNITAR E-Journal Vol. 3, No. 2, 2007.

Conference paper

1. Fatimah Pa’wan, Rosmini Omar, Farzana Quoquab Habib and Jihad Mohammad. The Influence of Organizational Commitment in Climate for Innovation and Employee Retention Relationship: An Empirical Study in Higher Education Institutions, 3rd Asia International Conference 2017 (AIC2017), Kuala Lumpur, 9-10 December, 2017.

2. Fatimah Pa’wan and Rosmini Omar, Relationship of Talent Management and Organizational Commitment, International Conference on Management in Emerging Markets and International Conference on Innovation in Business and Strategy, Bali, Indonesia, 26 – 28 Jul 2017 (Presenter).

3. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan and Ram Milah @Simranpreet Kaur Hansaram, Managing High Potential Employees: A Case of Employers in Malaysia, 3rd Asia – Pacific Business Research Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 25-26 February 2013.

4. Fatimah Pa’wan, Nurita Juhdi, Ram Milah @ Simpreet Kaur Hansaram and Norizan Md Kassim, Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategies in Developing Employee Potential and Reducing Turnover Intention, 13th Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management & Accounting (MIICEMA 2012), Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Oct 18th -20th, 2012.

5. Nurita Juhdi, Ram Milah @ Simpreet Kaur Hansaram, Fatimah Pa’wan and Noor Akmar Othman, The Effects of HR Practices and Organizational Engagement on Turnover Intention: A Study in a Selected Region in Malaysia, International Conference on Information, Services and Management Engineering (ISME 2011), Beijing, China, 26th -28th December 2011.

6. Fatimah Pa’wan and Norizan Md Kassim, Measurement of Talent Management, International Public Sector Conference (IPSC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, 25th -26th September 2012 (Presenter).

7. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Ram Milah @ Simpreet Kaur Hansaram, Management and Development of High Potential Employees: A Study on Fifty Organizations in Malaysia, Asia Pacific Marketing and Management Conference (APMC), Kuching, Sarawak, 9th -11th November 2011.

8. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Ram Milah Hansaram, HR Practices, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: A Study on Employees in Klang Valley, Malaysia, 3rd World Multiconference on Applied Economic Business and Development (AEBD’11), WSEAS, IASI, Romania, 1st -3 rd July 2011.

9. Nurita Juhdi, Fatimah Pa’wan, Noor Akmar Othman & Hanifah Moksin (2010) Internal and External Employability of Employees: A Study among Employees in Klang Valley, Malaysia, Fifth National Human Resource Management Conference (NHRMC2010), 8th – 10th June 2010, Terengganu (Presenter).

10. Nazatul Shima Abdul Rani, Fatimah Pa’wan, Normaziah Che Musa and Misyer Mohd. Tajuddin. “Charismatic Leadership: The Study of Malaysian Employees’ Preference on The Leadership Style of Their Managers.” Research for Change. Eighth International Business Research Conference. 27- 28th March 2008, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai.

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