Dip in Electrical Electronics Engineering (WIT), Adv Dip in Business Management (ITTAR), Post-Grad Dip in Business Administration (ITTAR), MBA (Uni of Lincoln, UK), PhD (Management/Business)(MSU).Specialization: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Creativity & Innovation
E-mail: kumaran@unitar.my
1. Kanapathipillai, K., & Azam, S.M.F. (2019). Women Entrepreneurs Path to Success: An Investigation of the Critical Success Factors in Malaysia. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies. 3(1), 106-129.
2. Kanapathipillai, K., & Azam, S.M.F. (2019). A Conceptual Understanding of the Critical Factors That Induce Women Entrepreneurial Success in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies 4(2), 90-110.
3. Kanapathipillai, K., & Azam, S.M.F. (2020). The Impact of Employee Training Programs on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction in the Telecommunication Companies in Malaysia. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies. 4(3), 1-17.
4. Kanapathipillai, K., & Azam, S.M.F. (2020). A Conceptual Understanding of the Impact of Employee Training Programs on Job Performance and Job Satisfaction in the Telecommunication Companies in Malaysia. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies. 4(3), 40-53.
5. Kanapathipillai, K. (2020). The Impact of The Silent Enemy (Covid-19 Pandemic) On The Marketing Efforts Undertaken By The Automotive Industries In Malaysia. European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 5(4), 1-21.
6. Kanapathipillai, K. (2021). The Impact of Training And Innovation On Organisational Performance in Hospitality Industry In Malaysia: Job Satisfaction As Mediator. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies 5(2), 86-121.
7. Kanapathipillai, K. (2021). The Influence Of Social Media Technology With Reference To Facebook On Work Performance: Organisational Framework As Mediator. European Journal of Social Sciences Studies, 6(5). 92-127.
8. Kanapathipillai, K., & Mahboob, N.N. (2021). The Consequences Of Cyberbullying In The Manufacturing Sector On Employees’ Productivity In Malaysia: Mediating Role Of Job Stress And Moderating Role Of Co-Workers Support. European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies, 5(3), 12-43.
9. Kanapathipillai, K., & Mahboob, N.N. (2021). The Impact Of Relationship Marketing On Customer Loyalty In The Tour And Travel Companies In Malaysia During Cov-19 Pandemic: Parallel Mediation Of Social Media And Relationship Quality. 6(4), 17-47.
10. The Relationship Between Online Learning And Student’s Performance In The Rural Areas In Malaysia: The Mediating Role Of Parent’s Support. (To be published In October 2021)
11. The Impact of Digital Marketing on Consumer Purchase Decision In The Online Retailing Sector In Malaysia: The Mediating Role of Relationship Marketing. (On-going)