Prof. Dr Mohd. Hassan Mohd Osman

Dr Mohd. Hassan Mohd Osman is currently a DBA program director at UNITAR Graduate School, Unitar International University. He graduated with a Diploma in Actuarial Science from UiTM, Shah Alam in 1981; BSBA in Actuarial Science from Drake University, USA; Master in Actuarial Science from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, and PhD in Business Management from Loughborough University, UK. He served UiTM from 1985 to 1993; UTM Skudai from 1993 to 2010; UTMKL as Dean of UTM International Business School from 2010 to 2015; Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic and International from 2015 to 2018 in Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) and retired from UTM in 2019. He was appointed as a contract professor in UiTM Arshad Ayub Graduate Business School from 2020 to 2021. He is also a Visiting Professor at DRB Hicom University.

Dr Mohd Hassan has attended a number of leadership and entrepreneurship programs organized by Harvard Business School; Judge Business School of Cambridge University; LH Martin Institute, Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne; Australian Institute of Management. His current research interest includes leadership, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship and strategic thinking. Dr Mohd. Hassan has been the recipient of more than 12 research grants and 20 consultancy projects funded by various government agencies and private sectors. Dr Mohd. Hassan has also conducted various trainings on leadership, entrepreneurship, managing social enterprise, Industries 4.0 and strategic planning.


PhD Business Management (Loughborough University),
MSc Actuarial Science minor Social Economy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln),
BSBA Actuarial Science (Drake University),
Dip. Actuarial Science (UiTM)

Specialization: Entrepreneurship & Leadership

1. Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA) (RM25, 000)
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: Evaluating the Organisational Culture of Majlis Bandaraya Shah (RM25,000) Alam (MBSA)
Duration of Project: 3 months (Jan 2019 – Mac 2019)

2. Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Johor (RM20,000)
Role in Project: Member
Title of Project: Developing Yayasan Pembangunan Keluarga Johor Strategic Framework for 2020-2025
Duration of Project: 4 months (Jan 2019 – April 2019)

3. Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya Malaysia (RM80,000)
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: Kajian Pilihan Raya Kecil (PRK) Sg. Kandis, Balakong dan Seri Setia: Peratus Rakyat Keluar Mengundi Rendah
Duration of Project: 1 Oct 2018 – 31 Oct 2018

4. Research University Grant (RM130,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: Development of Integrated Model based on the alignment of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Market Orientation for Women owned Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Growth in Malaysia and Pakistan
Duration: April 2011 – May 2013

5. Yayasan Sumber Maklumat Contract Research (RM151,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: Kajian Kesejahteraan Rakyat Malaysia
Duration: May 2010 – Jan 2011

6. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Contract Research (RM101,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: A Framework for Success and Sustainability of Less Performing Private Higher Education Institutions.
Duration: Dec 2009 – Dec 2010

7. Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia Contract Research (RM100,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Member
Title of Project: Managing Talents in Malaysia’s Higher Education Institutions
Duration: Mar 2009 – Dec 2010

8. Ministry of Rural and Regional Development Malaysia (RM250,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Member
Title of Project: Impact of Rural Economic Development Programs in Malaysia
Duration: Jan 2009-October 2010

9. National Entrepreneurship Institute (INSKEN) Contract Research (Vot No. 63095) (RM499,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Project Leader
Title of Project: Entrepreneurship Training Need Analysis in Malaysia
Duration of Project: October 2007 – Mar 2008

10. FRGS Research Grant (RM45,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Leader
Title of Project: Framework for Implementation and Operations of Innovation Centers in Malaysia’s Innovation Led Economy
Duration of Project: April 2010 – Mar 2012

11. FRGS Research Grant (RM50,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Researcher
Title of Project: Developing Evaluation Models for University-Industry Technological Links
Duration of Project: January 2009 – December 2010

12. E-Science Grant (RM129,000), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Role in Project: Leader
Title of Project: Developing an Implementation Model for the Development of Biotechnology Entrepreneurship in Malaysia.
Duration of Project: Oktober 2007 – September 2009

13. FRGS Research Grant (RM45,000) Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM)
Role in Project: Researcher
Title of Project: Framework for Technopreneur Development in Malaysia
Duration of Project: October 2007 – September 2009

1. Meghdad Ahmadi and Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (2020), Exploitative dominant balanced ambidexterity solving the paradox of innovation strategies in SMEs, International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 79-107.

2. Joseph Owusu, Mohammad Bin Ismail, Mohd Hassan Bin Mohd Osman, Garry Kuan (2019), Financial Literacy as a Moderator Linking Financial Resource Availability and SME Growth in Ghana, Innovations, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 154-166.

3. HH Tat, WT Chee, TA Chin, ABA Hamid, MHM Osman (2019), Globalization, Colonialism and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI): A Review of Literature, The Journal of Sciences Research, Vo. 2, pp. 98-103.

4. Joseph Owusu; Mohd Hassan Bin Mohd. Osman; Mohammad Bin Ismail, Abdul Aziz Latif (2017), A Conceptual Framework for Financing SME Growth in Ghana, European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9, N0 19, pp. 9 – 16.

5. Meghdad Ahmadi; Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman (2017), How can Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Maximize the Benefit Derived from Strategic Flexibility? The Moderating Effect of Contextual Ambidextrous Learning, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 11, pp. 1-10.

6. Abdul Razak Ahmad, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Kamariah Ismail, Wan Fauziah Wan Yusoff (2017), Human Capital and Exploit Opportunity Among Malaysia Rural Entrepreneurs: The Mediating Effect of Opportunity Discovery, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1746-1753.

7. Abdul Malek Yahya Ali Nusair, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman (2016), An Empirical Study of the Effect of Strategic Planning on Yemeni SME Performance, International Journal of Advanced Research, Vol. 4, No. 8, pp. 455-463.

8. Abdul Razak Ahmad, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Kamariah Ismail, Wan Fauziah Wan Yusoff (2016), Modal Insan dan Penemuan Peluang ke atas Eksploitasi Peluang Keusahawanan di Kalangan Usahawan-usahawan Luar Bandar, Jurnal Pengurusan (UKM Journal of Management), 2016, Vol. 46.

9. Norazlina Mohd Yasin and Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman (2015), University Spin-off for Economic Development in Malaysia Universities, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, No. 5 (special issue), pp. 135-138.

10. Noori Chegini, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Mohammad Reza Hamidizadeh (2015), Effective Factors on Project Management Performance in Small and Medium Enterprises, European Jounal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 30, pp 110-115

11. Alkhaliel Adeeb Abdullah, Mohd Zulkifli bin Tan Sri Mohd Ghazali, Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (2014), Mediating Role of Motivation between Incentives and Employees’ Job Performance: A Conceptual Paper, International Journal of Management Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 312-325.

12. Ali Ihtiyar, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, (2014), An Integrated Framework: Intercultural Competence with Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in Grocery Retailing, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol 9, No. 8, pp. 492-496.

13. Mohd Osman, Mohd Hassan; Roudini, Azizallah; Heidarzadagane, A., (2014), Halal International New Ventures (INVs) as a Special Case of SMEs Internationalization, Proceedings of the International SME Conference (ISMEC ’14), pp.

14. Maziar Azimzadeh Irani, Mohd Zulkifli Mohd Ghazali, Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (2013), Incorporating knowledge sharing as a sustainable competitive advantage with business processes, Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review (GJBSSR), Vol.1, No.3, pp. 41-53.

15. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Azizallah Roudini, Alireza Heidarzadagan, (October 2013), Technological Knowledge, Innovation and Risk-taking Capability and International New Venture’s Performance, Jurnal Teknologi (Social Science), Vol. 64, No. 5, pp. 81-85.

16. Ali Sheikhbahaei, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Ismail Abd Rahman, (December 2012), Information Content in Dividend Announcements, a Test of Market Efficiency in Malaysian Market, International Business Research Journal, Vol. 5, No. 12, pp. 38-45.

17. Abdul Razak Ahmad, Mohd Osman, Mohd Hassan, Kamariah Ismail, Wan Yusoff, Wan Fauziah (December 2012), The exploring individual resources factors toward entrepreneurial opportunity exploitation in rural entrepreneurship, Proceedings of the International Conference of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship 2012 (ICTMBE 2012), pp. 830-838.

18. Azizallah Roudini, Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (5-6 November, 2012), Globalization, International Entrepreneurship (IE) and their Effect on the World of Business, Proceedings of the ASEAN Entrepreneurship Conference 2012, pp. 57-63.

19. Rashidah Nural Anuar, Mohd. Hassan Mohd Osman and Ismail, Kamariah (2012) Innovation Centers in Malaysia: a Proposed Model, ICIMTR 2012 – 2012 International Conference on Innovation, Management and Technology Research. IEEE, New York, USA, pp. 337-341

20. Rashidah Nural Anuar and Mohd. Osman, Mohd. Hassan and Ismail, Kamariah (2012), Innovation centers in Malaysia: A Review, Proceedings of the 2012 2nd International Conference on Applied Social Science (ICASS 2012), Vol 1. Information Engineering Research, pp. 504-509.

21. Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Rohaizat Baharun (2012), Branding in Malaysia’s Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Perspective, Practice and Performance, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of the Academy for Global Business Advancement (AGBA), March 19-21, 2012, pp 184-

22. Ali Ihtiyar, Fauziah Sh. Ahmad and Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman (April 2012), Determinant Factors of Perceived Service Quality in the Food Retail Industry of Turkey, Proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development– ICETD 2012, 7 – 8 April, Bangkok (ISI Conference), Vol. 38.

23. Fauziah Sh. Ahmad, Ali Ihtiyar, Wu Jing and Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman (Mar, 2012), Integrating Brand Perception, Culture Dimension and Social Influence in Predicting Purchase Intention in Luxury Brand Market, Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Business and Economic Research (3rd ICBER 2012), 12 – 13 March, Bandung, Indonesia.

24. Azizallah Roudini, Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (June, 2012),The Role of International Entrepreneurship Capability on International Performance in Born Global Firms, iBusiness, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 126-135.

25. Azizallah Roudini, Mohd. Hassan Mohd. Osman (Mar, 2012), Global Economic Crisis and Entrepreneurship Development, International Journal of Fundamental Psychology and Social Sciences, Vol. 2 No.1, pp. 13-18.

26. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Mohd Ridza Bin Asrah, Muhammad Amir Rashid and Amer Rajput (July 2011), Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Interplay of Cultural Factors in Developing Countries: A Compendium of Literature, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol 3, No. 3, pp. 472-480.

27. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, Muhammad Amir Rashid and Ghulam Hussain (July, 2011), Entrepreneurial Orientation: An Overview of Theory and Insinuations for Women-Owned SMBs to Model Business Performance in developing Countries, Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol 3, No. 3, pp. 329- 340.

28. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, Muhammad Amir Rashid and Amer Rajput (July 2011), Market Orientation – A Missing Link to Successful Women Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries, a Conspectus of Literature, International Journal of Academic Research, Vol 3, No. 4, pp. 232-236.

29. Mohd Hassan Mohd Osman, Fauziah Sheikh Ahmad, Muhammad Amir Rashid and Ghulam Hussain (July, 2011), Assimilating entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation dimensions in the context of women-owned small and medium sized businesses, African Journal of Business Management, Vol 5, No. 14, pp.5974-5983, (ISI Indexed Journal).

30. Talat Afza, Mohd. Hassan Mohd Osman, Muhammad Amir Rashid (2010), Enterprising Behavior of Enterprise-less Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Khyber Pukhtan Khawa of Pakistan, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 18, No. 1, p. 109-119.

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